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Orange 2012 | My Own Game Changers

Orange 2012 | My Own Game Changers

The theme for Orange Conference 2012 is Game Changer. We’ll be focusing on those moments in culture and in our lives that changed the way we play the game of life. In culture these could be an innovation like the printing press or a tragic event like 9/11. Whatever...
Orange Week | More Orange Than Ever

Orange Week | More Orange Than Ever

This is my first year as a non-official Orange blogger for Orange Week. While they talked about Orange Week at staff meeting this morning, I almost got a little teary. I’m kidding, but while I can’t really be an official Orange blogger anymore, I do want to add some...

Kidmin | 5 Next-Level Production Ideas

I spent this past week with the amazing team at Camp Kid Jam. They pull off an incredible production year after year. I’m blessed to play a role on that team. Last year I came home with so many great ideas to put into practice in our own large group and FX...

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