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Leadership: 5 Ways to Care for Your Team

Leadership: 5 Ways to Care for Your Team

I’ve read through Proverbs dozens of times before. I’m not sure whether it was reading the verse in a different translation or just the thoughts on leadership going on in my head recently, but this stopped me in my tracks. “Be sure you know how your sheep are doing....
Ministry | Jeremiah and Calling

Ministry | Jeremiah and Calling

Have you ever read the first chapter of Jeremiah? The one where God calls him and lays out the plan for his life. You should. It’s incredible what God tells Jeremiah. Here’s short of it: “Hey, Jeremiah! Since before you we’re born, I had a plan for you....
KidMin | Helping Small Group Leaders Win

KidMin | Helping Small Group Leaders Win

From getting the family ready in the morning to traffic to any number of things that can arise between waking up and arriving at church, Sunday mornings are busy, especially for your volunteers. They need help and encouragement. Snacks are great.
Having a killer...

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